blockchain solutions infrastructure for you and your business
Clear. Secure. Affordable to everyone
— is an exclusive partner of the E‑Gates ecosystem
The E-Gates fintech ecosystem is a driving force in promoting and supporting ChainGates' blockchain solutions
Products and Services ChainGates
Non-custodial Wallet
E-Gates Wallet, a non-custodial crypto wallet with a native interface, is designed to natively immerse new users in the Web 3.0 world, and on the other hand, to meet the needs of experienced cryptocurrency users in terms of security, functionality, and speed.
E-Gates Wallet powered by a Google Chrome extension that provides easy and convenient integration with decentralized services into your browse.
Our features
Require KYC
Allows you to store and send crypto assets with no usage fee
High speed wallet
Generates passwords and keys on your device, only you have access to assets
Convenient and secure management of your assets.
The ChainGates cross-chain bridge is a solution built on smart contracts that have been proven over the years to allow the exchange of tokens in different blockchains. A blockchain bridge is implemented using a "bridge" token or protocol. This means that tokens that were issued in one blockchain can be converted into the equivalent of tokens of another blockchain.
Our features
For startups verified by our auditors, it is possible to add liquidity to your project and manage it, without ChainGates influencing this project.
Integration of the AllowLists system based on KYC
Ability to pay 50% less commission with GET token
All smart contracts ensure that transactions between different networks are secure and transparent, and that the transferred assets are properly accounted for.
The bridge runs on the Permit2 system, which not only reduces the cost of transactions by reducing the number of transactions, but also works on a completely different logic in terms of token approval.
Blockchains we support
25 other networks
More products soon on ChainGates
Coming soon
ChainGates DEX is a protocol that allows you to trade crypto assets using smart contracts without the involvement of a centralized trading system and KYC verification procedure.
All user funds are stored in their personal wallets, and transactions are executed directly between the two wallets, without regulatory oversight.
Vesting managment
Coming soon
Vesting management system will become an indispensable tool for crypto startups to conveniently create parameters for funds as well as manage vesting participants.
For crypto-enthusiasts, vesting management is a convenient decentralized solution to participate in token unlocking with a direct deposit to their decentralized wallet.
Coming soon
Liquidity Locker is built on smart contracts which allow startups and liquidity providers to freeze it for a certain period of time, allowing the community to make sure of the transparency and reliability of the project, that the liquidity of the project will not disappear and all this is confirmed by open smart contracts.
How to use ChainGates services


Create account

Creating an account on E-Gates is the first step to accessing ChainGates services. Once created you can proceed to the next step.


Pass KYC

The purpose of KYC verification is to prevent fraud and comply with regulations related to money laundering and terrorism financing. Once passed, you will have access to ChainGates features andservices.


Use ChainGates services

You can start using the platform's features to their fullest extent. It's important to ensure that you comply with the platform's terms and conditions and use the services and features responsibly.